Volume 8 -                   MEJDS (2018) 8: 116 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (2227 Views)

During the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of a procedural framework, which is based on the rules of citizenship rights. The process of legislative formation and monitoring the implementation of the rights for disabled people is considered as an obligation and is one of the supportive requirements. The provisions of the comprehensive laws about the disabled people’s rights was reviewed in the framework of the international convention for the first time. This is a prelude to the social integration of the disabled based on the agent's explanations, and it is a step towards the adaptability of the power of the disables to the community. Establishing supportive laws for people with disabilities in the light of the adoption of guidance, monitoring, and supportive methods will cause the presence of this group in society. Adoption of these laws has happened after the drafting of the comprehensive protection of disabled people’s acts in 2004, in the form of international laws such as the Universal Declaration of the Disabled in 1975, and the International Convention of the Disable people’s Rights adopted in December 2006, and is a turning point in streaming disabilities. The main objectives of the present paper was to analyze the legislative dimensions and eliminating the ambiguous points of the law, which promote the mechanism of policy, urbanization, accessibility, mobility, health services, rehabilitation of sports, cultural affairs, artistic matters, educational facilities, entrepreneurship and employment, culture promotion, raising public awareness, creating conditions for civilization and citizenship. Also, the focus of the study was on three areas of prevention, rehabilitation, and equal opportunities, and researched by providing a mechanism for restoring the efforts of laws that are supportive and able to absorb people with disabilities into the community. Given this necessity, this paper tried to examine the obligations of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the binding elements of the disabled peoples’ rights from the two perspectives of international law and domestic law, with particular attention to the two documents mentioned above and the comparative approach between these two instruments. In this study, rights to education, rights to participate in the cultural life of the community, and rights to obtain information for disabled people were studied and have been assessed. First, we had to provide a comprehensive definition of disability and rehabilitation to describe the capacity of optimal disability participation. Being a disabled person means having a mental or physical disorder that essentially restricts one or more vital activities of life. The philosophy of equalizing opportunities for disabled people is a process. In which the facilities used by the public, such as housing, transportation, health services, vocational and employment facilities, cultural services, sports, and recreation, which are provided to all segments of society, would be beneficial to disabled people, too. Therefore, to disabled people to be included in the circle of enumeration, we should overcome the environmental and social barriers that they face on with that. Rehabilitation based on creating equal opportunities for people with disabilities has been highlighted in the International Organization for disabled people manifesto, in1981. Equalizing opportunities for people with disabilities requires a society free from any discriminations. The universal plan of action for people with disabilities (adopted by the United Nations in 1982) transformed the principle of equal opportunities into a global issue. However, especially in developing countries, the issue of realizing this principle faces many challenges and ambiguities; but in general, the issue of equal opportunities encourages different countries to integrate the social life of disabled people with ordinary people’s experience in other sectors of the society.

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Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Rehabilitation

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