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1- mashhad Azad University
2- quchan Azad University
Abstract:   (3594 Views)
Background: In each organization, manpower is one of the most important resources available to its managers. The optimal and desirable use of human resources is one of the important conditions for the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Optimizing the use of workforce in the organization means that it can be achieved by using better management with less human resources. Today, the importance of productivity is not covered by the increasing expansion of the level of competition, the complexity of technology, the diversity of tastes, the lack of resources and the speed of the exchange of information. Productivity requires continuous efforts to adapt economic activities to conditions that are constantly changing, in fact, the productivity of faithfulness to the progress of human beings. On the other hand, the complexity of the human world reduces the ability to deal adequately with life problems. The emergence of tensions and tensions leads to multiple defense or countermeasures aimed at achieving compromise. In recent years, researchers (Skinner et al., 2003) have tried to organize hundreds of coping strategies Which are derived from earlier research, as higher-order families. It can be said that resiliency is not the only stability against injuries or threatening conditions, and is not a reactive state in dealing with dangerous conditions, but an active and constructive company in its perimeter environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the predictability of human resources based on productivity and resilience.
Method: The statistical population consisted of all employees of the factories of Toos Industrial Township of Mashhad in 1397. By using systematic random sampling, 60 were selected as the final sample. The reason for using this statistical method was small number of people in the statistical society. In order to collect the required data, human resource perception questionnaires (Bosley & Wille, 2002), Resilience (Conger & Davidson, 2003) and productivity (Hers et al., 1980) were used. The questionnaires were performed on sample members, observing the ethics of research. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software.
Results: Data analysis was done using regression analysis method. The results indicate that productivity and persistence are significant predictions for human resources. This prediction was in a positive direction.
Conclusion: The results show that the productivity and resilience of the two psychological and internal categories of employees are determined based on their attitude towards the workplace. If we can take appropriate strategies to optimize the use of human resources, we can hope to increase productivity and change the staff against labor pressure.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Counseling

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