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1- Islamic Azad University,
2- University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract:   (2747 Views)
Background and Objectives: Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself with symptoms of abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort with disorder and bowel habits in the absence of an organic cause of the symptoms. The spread of this syndrome varies from one geographical point to another. Gastrointestinal diseases are one of the most common and most common chronic diseases. Gastrointestinal disorders impose a lot of economic burden and stress on society and the health system. Among gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal pains and irritable bowel syndrome, they are more likely to be considered as having a high prevalence based on community-based studies. The prevalence of IBS is different in the world. For example, in America and European countries, it is 22-9%, in India and Thailand 4%, and in Iran up to 25%. An intracommunication communication system that represents a behavioral activation system forms a positive feedback loop that is activated through stimuli that are consistent with rewards or lack of punishment and act in a way that It means that spatial proximity to these stimuli increases. Taking into account the assumption that the conditional stimuli of this type are, when adjacent to the space-time, of the favorable stimuli of the condition (goals). Triggers BAS activation. In fact, BAS is a system that generally has the ability to direct the organism to the goals that are essential for survival (such as water and food).
Methods: In this study, in order to collect data and information, some of the research information (such as theoretical foundations and research data on irritable bowel syndrome, brain systems and coping styles) were referred to the library and information centers Updates were collected. The other part of the information is from the sample group using two questionnaires:
1. BAS / BIS Carver & White's Brain Inhibition System Inventory 1994:
The Inhibition / Behavioral Activation Systems Scale (Carver & White, 1994) contains 24 self-report questions and two subsamples: BIS subscale and BAS sub-scale. The following two sub-scales are explained below:
- The BIS subscale in this questionnaire consists of seven items that measure the sensitivity of the behavioral intervention system or the response to the threat and anxiety feeling when confronted with threatening symptoms.
- Under the BAS scale, there are thirteen items that measure the sensitivity of the activation system.
2. Folkman & Lazarus Coping Tools Questionnaire:
The Lazarus Strategy Questionnaire is based on the Copywritten Logbook by Lazarus and Folkman in the 1980s and revised in 1985. Coping strategies are a set of cognitive and behavioral attempts by the individual to interpret and interpret And the correction of a stressful situation leads to a reduction in the suffering caused by it and evaluates a wide range of thoughts and actions that people apply when they are exposed to exogenous or extrinsic stressors. Gives
In order to conduct the research, after coordination with the authorities of Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital in Tehran, questionnaires were distributed among patients with irritable bowel syndrome. A group was created for collecting information in a telegram application and a group of subjects were asked to submit their responses via the Google Form (which had previously been linked to the group), then responded Collected files entered Excel software to prepare for statistical analysis. In this research, data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (frequency tables, frequency charts, demographic information, etc.) and inferential statistics in order to test the hypotheses and to investigate the effect of independent variables on dependent ones such as (Spearman and Pearson Correlation Coefficients and ...) were performed using SPSS 22 software.
Result: There is a significant relationship between brain-behavioral systems and coping style in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. It was also significant in the eight components of coping styles (direct, avoidance, self-control, support, responsibility, avoidance, avoidance, problem solving, re-evaluation).
Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that there is a relationship between brain-behavioral systems (inhibition or activation) and coping strategies (excitement and problem-oriented) in people with irritable bowel syndrome.
Keywords: Brain-Behavioral Systems, Coping Styles, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Activation of Behavior, Inhibition of Behavior.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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