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1- Islamic Azad University Research and Sciences Branch
2- allame Tabatabaee university
3- Islamic Azad University Research and Sciences Branch
Abstract:   (1601 Views)
Background and Objective Family life is associated with many dangers which can destroy family life. One of these dangers is marital infidelity, which causes many problems and psychological effects for married people, especially those who have been betrayed. Infidelity can cause a lot of negative feelings for the person who has been hurt, and in many cases can lead to separation and divorce. One of the most important effects of infidelity is the reduction of quality and marital satisfaction, which, if not intervened quickly, may lead to the collapse of marital life. For this reason, appropriate individual and group therapies and counseling should be developed and tested to prevent and treat the effects of infidelity, and the best treatments should be identified and widely used in terms of effectiveness, duration of treatment, and long-term effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of reality therapy and emotion-focused therapy on women affected by infidelity with six-month follow-up.
Methods: The research design in this study was quasi-experimental with two experimental groups and one control group. Also, The statistical community consisting of all married women who were betrayed by their husbands and referred to counseling centers of the Behzisty organization of Tehran 1397. The sample consisted of 45 clients and was selected with randomal cluster method. The sample members were then randomly assigned to three groups (experiment 1, experiment 2, control). Each group consisted of 15 people. The experimental groups (emotion-focused therapy and reality therapy) were intervened for 8 sessions. But the control group did not intervene. The research instruments included marital quality questionnaire (Busby et al., 1995) and Enrich marital satisfaction questionnaire (Olson, Fornier, and Drackman, 1989). The two experimental and control groups, before and after the end of the sessions and intervention, responded to the questionnaires and finally compared the marital satisfaction and marital quality scores. subjects responded to the questionnaires again after six months. finally the data were analyzed using SPSS-22.
Results: The results of repeated measurement analysis of variance showed that marital satisfaction changes (P <0.001, F = 70.80) and marital quality (P <0.001, F = 51.51) in the three stages of the test, so Testing and tracking differ significantly over at least two time stages. The results also show that between the three groups studied, at least in two groups, their mean in the variable of marital satisfaction (P <0.001, F = 57.30) and the marital quality (P <0.001, F =33.10) There was  a significant difference.
Conclusion: People who are betrayed to them generally experience a lot of negative and intense emotions; therefore, appropriate and effective interventions should be made for these people. According to the results, both treatments have been effective in increasing marital satisfaction and quality. In explaining this finding, it can be said that emotional therapy is effective because it improves the attachment injuries and regulates emotions. In the first stage of the emotional focused therapy that named the stress relief, the therapist helps each person consciously observes his negative cycle and sees the rejection of this negative cycle as a mutual enemy. In the second phase, rebuilding, the wives try to discover their fears and attachment needs to come up with ways to clearly express these fears and desires. Reality therapy, also tries to increase marital trust and marital affinity by enhancing marital accountability and communication skills training, and strengthens couples' sense of commitment. Another factor in the reality therapy is the importance of strengthening and maintaining marital relationships, the couples' attention to each other's needs. They learn to satisfy their needs with their husbands using loving behaviors. Therefore this increases marital quality. However, in the long run, there will be no difference between the experimental and control groups, and it seems that these treatments should be repeated at different intervals. Finaly it is recommended that family therapists take advantage of these therapies, specially emotion-focused therapy But repeat these treatments at different intervals.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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