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1- Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (1390 Views)
Background & Objective: Academic anxiety is one of the effective factors in educational problems and students' academic performance decline. Anxiety is one of the negative emotions that play a central role in students' lives and is one of the most common disorders among adolescents. Adolescents are the capital and future workforce of any country, and if their educational, family, and social problems are addressed, it will contribute to the growth of society. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between mindfulness, psychological capital and parental self-Compassion with academic anxiety in the primary school girl students in Gorgan.
Methods: The method of the present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of this study consisted of all primary school girls in district one of Gorgan city who were studying in the academic year 2019. According to the table of Krejcie and Morgan, the sample size for the present study is 201 people. Sampling in this study was done based on cluster sampling and using lottery, so that among the existing schools, first three schools were selected through lottery and then from the selected schools, classes were selected using lottery. Inclusion criteria include being a female student and being an elementary school student; Willingness to participate in the study; No mental or physical disorders; Exclusion criteria also include not answering five questions; Participate simultaneously in other intervention programs; and were dissatisfied with continuing to cooperate. The instruments used in this study were Baer's (2006) mindfulness questionnaires, Luthans et al (2007) psychological capital questionnaires, Crocker et al (2003) parents' self-Compassion questionnaires, and Lyneham's (2008) academic anxiety Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression and SPSS-22 software. Also, the significance level was considered 0.05.
Results: Pearson correlation coefficients showed that among the components of mindfulness between non-judgment (p<0.001; r=-0.587) and description (p<0.001; r=-0.381) with academic anxiety, was a negative and significant relationship. Among the subscales of psychological capital, there was a correlation between academic anxiety and self-efficacy (p<0.001;-0.538) and a correlation between academic anxiety and resilience (p<0.001;-0.413). The output of multiple linear regressions also indicates that among the variables that entered the regression, only self-efficacy and lack of judgment were able to explain 21% of the adjusted variance of academic anxiety.
Conclusion: Mindfulness as a psychological capital in reducing academic anxiety. People with higher scores on the consciousness scale are more likely to be present in the present, are aware of the inner and outer phenomena, have cultivated a non-judgmental attitude with the adoption of phenomena. Instead of reactive and non-constructive approaches, they deal with constructive and active ways of living. With the increase of mindfulness, self-management and emotion regulation in the individual, and individuals experiencing a heightened state of consciousness, they focus on the present and changing internal and external stimuli, and thus on anxiety symptoms. They also become aware. The higher one's awareness and awareness, the better and sooner they can evaluate different situations and practice appropriate performance, and thus the better their performance in different aspects of life, especially in education. According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that mindfulness helps individuals to modulate and manage pleasant and unpleasant emotions and that individuals are not easily affected by their negative emotions and thus are less likely to have problematic behaviors. And fruitless things were like anxiety.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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