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Niayzy P, Nazari R, Azimzadeh M. Providing an Entrepreneurship Model Concerning Elderly Sports Based on Foundation Data Theory. MEJDS 2020; 10 :138-138
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-1316-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
2- University of Ferdowsi
Abstract:   (2231 Views)
Background & Objectives: Aging is a sensitive period of human life, and paying attention to its relevant issues and needs is a social necessity. Exercise is among the factors that affect the elderly's life. Besides, surveying the statistical indicators in Iran indicated the growth and acceleration of aging; the Iranian elderly population is probably increasing. Accordingly, Iran might face severe problems in the elderly due to their special conditions, and authorities should especially address their bio psychological health. Sports entrepreneurship could significantly influence the development of the country by playing an active role in the development of business, employment, and prosperity, as well as and biopsychological health. Additionally, entrepreneurship in sports could be impactful in contributing to the competitive environment in sports programs, the development of clubs, as well as the construction of sports venues and equipment, to improve the community's health and sustainability and continuity of sports businesses. The present research aimed to provide entrepreneurship in the field of elderly sports based on the foundation data theory.
Methods: This was a qualitative study based on Strauss and Corbin’s Foundation Data Theory. The opinions of the interviewees on the components of entrepreneurship in the field of aging sports were analyzed. The statistical population of the present study included experts in sports management, the elderly, and entrepreneurs. After 15 interviews, we reached data saturation. In the present study, we implemented deep interviews, exploratory interviews, and open–ended interview questions for data collection. Microdata analysis was used to analyze the obtained information, in which we analyzed the data through the open, pivotal, and selective coding process based on the foundation data theory. Furthermore, credibility, transferability, reliability, and reliability strategies were used.
Results: After completing the interviews, the open–ended, axial, and selective coding process, in the form of 6 dimensions of the paradigmatic model (including causal causes, e.g., the institutionalization of the culture of sport; central categories, e.g., reality–based view and the need of the elderly community; strategies, e.g., Article 3) was applied. The constitution identified the underlying features of planning and inter–organizational cooperation, interventional conditions, such as social restrictions and prohibitions, and consequences, such as health and vitality for the individuals and the prevention of non–communicable diseases.
Conclusion: An active lifestyle in the elderly increases their ability and physical efficiency, as well as health status, including their vitality, happiness, and emotional functioning; consequently, the older people have a vibrant life with an enhanced bio psychological status. Moreover, given the demographic pyramid of the country and the rapid growth of the elderly population, the authorities responsible for the elderly programs must take more serious measures for this issue and the relevant concerns.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Social Sciences

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