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Abstract:   (1370 Views)
Background & Objective: In todaychr('39')s complex world, every country and nation, with every point of view and belief, and with every political and social system, pays special attention to the issues of higher education. This shows the importance of education on the one hand and the need for human life on the other. Today, what is referred to as civilization and the proud human culture is an achievement and knowledge based on the educational system. Academic performance is one of the most important concerns of the educational system and shows the success of the educational system in targeting and paying attention to meeting individual needs; therefore, the educational system can be considered successful and efficient when the educational performance of its learners reaches the highest and highest figure.
Since the final and standard product is evaluated to evaluate the effectiveness of each activity and program, in the education system, this is done by examining the academic performance of students. Academic performance depends on a variety of factors that can affect a personchr('39')s performance in the educational environment in certain situations. Identifying the factors affecting studentschr('39') progress and academic performance creates an appropriate approach to planning, developing and evolving educational programs so that the best possible results can be achieved for both the desired educational development and for students.
This study was aimed at determining the association of life expectancy and self-regulation with academic performance and mediation of the family emotional atmosphere of female secondary school students.
Methods: The present study was carried out by correlation method and it addressed the mediating role of family emotional atmosphere through using structural equations. The statistical population of the study included all female secondary school students in Tehran in the academic year of 2018-19. The study sample included 330 students in the studied society and multi-stage cluster sampling and then random method were used to select the sample. Questionnaire was the data collection tool and in this study, in addition to the researcher-made demographic form,  Pham and Taylor Academic Performance questionnaire (1999), Buffard Self-Regulation questionnaire (1991) , Schneider Life Expectancy questionnaire (1991) and  Hill Bern family emotional climate questionnaire(1964) , was used. In this study, in the structural model, Bootstrap method was employed in order to examine the impact of mediating role among the studied variables and the association between life expectancy and academic performance and mediating role of family emotional climate was investigated.
Results:The results revealed that the association between self-regulation and academic performance with the mediating role of family emotional climate did not have significant full effects, direct effects, and indirect effects; i.e. there was not any mediating effect.
Conclusion: The family emotional climate is not able to mediate the association between self-regulation and academic performance.
Keywords: Academic Performance, Self-Regulation, Life Expectancy, Family Emotional climate.
Background & Objective: In todaychr('39')s complex world, every country and nation, with every point of view and belief, and with every political and social system, pays special attention to the issues of higher education. This shows the importance of education on the one hand and the need for human life on the other. Today, what is referred to as civilization and the proud human culture is an achievement and knowledge based on the educational system. Academic performance is one of the most important concerns of the educational system and shows the success of the educational system in targeting and paying attention to meeting individual needs; therefore, the educational system can be considered successful and efficient when the educational performance of its learners reaches the highest and highest figure.
Since the final and standard product is evaluated to evaluate the effectiveness of each activity and program, in the education system, this is done by examining the academic performance of students. Academic performance depends on a variety of factors that can affect a personchr('39')s performance in the educational environment in certain situations. Identifying the factors affecting studentschr('39') progress and academic performance creates an appropriate approach to planning, developing and evolving educational programs so that the best possible results can be achieved for both the desired educational development and for students.
This study was aimed at determining the association of life expectancy and self-regulation with academic performance and mediation of the family emotional atmosphere of female secondary school students.
Methods: The present study was carried out by correlation method and it addressed the mediating role of family emotional atmosphere through using structural equations. The statistical population of the study included all female secondary school students in Tehran in the academic year of 2018-19. The study sample included 330 students in the studied society and multi-stage cluster sampling and then random method were used to select the sample. Questionnaire was the data collection tool and in this study, in addition to the researcher-made demographic form,  Pham and Taylor Academic Performance questionnaire (1999), Buffard Self-Regulation questionnaire (1991) , Schneider Life Expectancy questionnaire (1991) and  Hill Bern family emotional climate questionnaire(1964) , was used. In this study, in the structural model, Bootstrap method was employed in order to examine the impact of mediating role among the studied variables and the association between life expectancy and academic performance and mediating role of family emotional climate was investigated.
Results:The results revealed that the association between self-regulation and academic performance with the mediating role of family emotional climate did not have significant full effects, direct effects, and indirect effects; i.e. there was not any mediating effect.
Conclusion: The family emotional climate is not able to mediate the association between self-regulation and academic performance.
Keywords: Academic Performance, Self-Regulation, Life Expectancy, Family Emotional climate.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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