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1- farhangian University
Abstract:   (506 Views)
Background & Objective: Corona virus is a phenomenon that has faced the world with a crisis due to its rapid spread and uncontrollable nature. Although this crisis is purely medical in nature, it is a multi-dimensional phenomenon whose effects and consequences are evident in different areas of life. With the arrival of Corona in the country at the end of 2018, people faced the crisis of the spread of this new disease, a different life in quarantine conditions and its many consequences, especially psychological effects. University students were prone to psychological symptoms during the outbreak of Covid-19. Because in numerous researches, mental health and resilience of people is one of the most important factors in life in this difficult time of the With the arrival of Corona in the country at the end of 2018, people faced the crisis of the spread of this new disease, a different life in quarantine conditions and its many consequences, especially psychological effects. Psychological variables such as mental health and academic resilience of students are among the psychological factors in this era. Thereforepandemic, Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the mental health and academic resilience of athletic and non-athletic students during the Corona pandemic in the universities of Qazvin province.
 With the arrival of Corona in the country at the beginning of March 1998, people faced the crisis of this disease and new life in quarantine conditions and its many consequences, including psychological effects such as mental health and academic resilience of students in reducing anxiety of this pandemic, Therefore, the present study was conducted to compare the mental health and academic resilience of athletic and non-athletic students in Qazvin universities.
Methods: The present research was descriptive and analytical. This research was conducted in the academic year of 2019-2020. 384 students of Qazvin universities were selected in a multi-stage cluster based on Cochran's formula.  The method of this research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of implementation method, which was done in the field. The statistical population of this study consisted of students of universities in Qazvin province Based on Cochran's formula, 384 people participated in this study as a statistical sample in multi-stage clusters, taking into account the error of 0.05. The instrument of this research was a questionnaire with initial questions to examine the demographic characteristics of the participants then, the questions of Goldberg (1976) and Samuels (2004) Standard Public Health Questionnaire were used. The reliability of these two instruments, namely the Samuels Academic Equality Questionnaire and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha, was confirmed to be 0.63 and 0.87, respectively. In order to carry out the research, the questionnaires were distributed among the students of universities in Qazvin province, that these students participated in this research from among the universities of Qazvin province, as a cluster sampling of three state universities, Payam Noor and Farhangian Qazvin, and from each of them 2 faculties (campus) and then from each of 2 study groups.Data analysis was in two parts: descriptive and inferential statistics. At the level of descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation and maximum and minimum scores were calculated, in the inferential statistics section, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and independent t-test were used.

Results: The findings showed that there is a significant difference in mental health between athlete and non-athlete students (p=0.039). Also, the difference between the resilience of athletes and non-athletes was statistically significant (p: 0.048). The average values of mental health and resilience were obtained in the group of student athletes 51.57 and 91.91, and in the group of non-athletes 53.63 and 92.02 respectively.
In the same way, regarding the variable of academic resilience, the significant value obtained from the independent t-test shows that the difference in academic resilience between athlete and non-athlete students was significant (p=0/048). The mean value of both variables of mental health and academic resilience differed for the two studied groups (athletes and non-athletes) and there was a significant difference between the mental health and academic resilience of student athletes and non-athletes during the Corona pandemic (0/05 ≥ p).
 The findings showed that there is a difference between the mental health of athletic and non-athletic students. Also, based on data analysis, the difference between academic resilience of athletic and non-athletic students was significant (05/0 ≥ p). According to research, stress can affect people's mental health, but students with higher academic resilience will have high flexibility in reducing their anxiety, which according to this study, exercise can be a factor to improve these two important psychological variables.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the statistical analysis, we conclude that during the Corona epidemic, the mental health and resilience of the two investigated groups differed, and the student athletes in the research showed less mental health and resilience than the non-athlete students. According to these results, it seems that the restrictions, reduction or lack of sports activities of student athletes during the outbreak of the disease and in quarantine conditions have more affected the mental health and resilience of this group. In general, physical activities as a suitable, easy and cheap strategy and approach to increase mental health among students seem more necessary than before. Necessary planning in order to encourage and promote sports, which has an effective role in promoting important indicators of psychological health, such as resilience and mental toughness, and on the other hand, reducing the social harms of society, is especially useful among students.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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