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1- Azad University
2- Yazd, Science and Arts University
Abstract:   (210 Views)
Background & Objective: Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder characterized by pervasive instability of self-concept, emotions, and behavior. Globally, the prevalence of borderline personality disorder is estimated at approximately 6%. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition), borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness that is characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-concept and emotions, as well as impulsivity. . This condition develops in early adulthood or adolescence and leads to severe functional impairment and mental distress. People with borderline personality disorder may present with frequent self-harm and suicidal thoughts, mood instability, impulsivity, and unstable relationships. Ay et al stated that the inability to regulate emotion in this disorder may be related to cognitive impairment, because cognitive function plays a role in modulating emotional reactions as a response to environmental stimuli. Studies that have been conducted to investigate the effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on borderline personality disorder have reported conflicting results about the effect of this type of stimulation. Studies that investigate the effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on borderline personality disorder are rare, and of course, no study has been reported to investigate the effect of this type of treatment on emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder. On the other hand, the emotion regulation variable plays a very important role in improving other psychological problems of borderline personality disorder such as anger and agitation. Since so far, no study has investigated the effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region (left anode/right cathode) on the emotion regulation of patients with borderline personality disorder, so the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the brain on emotion regulation in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Methods: This study was a semi-experimental intervention type with pre-test and post-test. The statistical population included patients with borderline personality disorder aged 30 to 45 from Taft city who referred to psychiatric clinics in Yazd city. Among the community members, 30 available qualified volunteers entered the study, and 15 of them were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 15 to the control group. The inclusion criteria were having borderline personality disorder and psychiatrist's approval, age range of 30 to 45 years, not using other treatment methods such as drug therapy and psychotherapy. The criteria for leaving the study included absence from a session of direct electrical stimulation from the skull and failure to complete the questionnaire during the study. Each person completed the consent form to participate in the research. Emotion regulation variable scores were compared by Gratz and Romer (2004) emotion regulation questionnaire at two time points before and after transcranial direct electrical stimulation of the brain. Data analysis was done using covariance analysis. The significance level of the tests was 0.05.
Results:  The data analysis showed that the score of the emotion regulation test in patients with borderline personality disorder in the intervention group and after receiving treatment has decreased significantly compared to the control group respectively (P=0.001).
Conclusion: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of transcranial direct electrical stimulation of the brain on emotion regulation in patients with borderline personality disorder. The results of the present study showed that transcranial direct electrical stimulation of the brain has a significant effect on the emotion regulation of patients with borderline personality disorder and can lead to the improvement of emotion regulation in these patients. The results of this research are in line with the study of Teti Mayer and colleagues who found in their study that transcranial direct electrical stimulation of the brain on the prefrontal cortex can moderate impulsivity in borderline personality disorder and lead to significant changes in suicidal and risky behaviors. Also, it is inconsistent with the study of Scholes et al., who concluded in their research that stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal region using direct transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain did not improve the deficits in the cognitive control of negative stimuli in patients with borderline personality disorder. Is. The results of the present study showed that 10 sessions of 20 minutes of 2 mA transcranial direct electrical stimulation of the left anodic/right cathodic area of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has a significant effect on the emotion regulation of patients with borderline personality disorder and can lead to an improvement in emotion regulation. in these patients. Transcranial direct electrical stimulation can be used as a complementary treatment to improve emotion regulation in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Rehabilitation

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