تعطیلات نوروز ۱۴۰۴-ضمن آرزوی قبولی طاعات و عبادات و همچنین تبریک فرارسیدن بهار و شروع سال جدید، به اطلاع می‌رساند این نشریه از تاریخ ۲۸ اسفندماه ۱۴۰۳ لغایت ۱۵ فروردین ۱۴۰۴ تعطیل می باشد.

Volume 8 -                   MEJDS (2018) 8: 9 | Back to browse issues page

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Nargesi F, Fathi-Ashtiani A, Davodi I, Ashrafi E. The mediating role of difficulties in emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. MEJDS 2018; 8 :9-9
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-1103-en.html
1- University of Elmo Farhang
2- Behavioral Sciences Research Center
3- Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
4- University of Elmo Farhang, Tehran
Abstract:   (6065 Views)
Background & Objective: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the most common, debilitating, and most severe disorders. In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM5) , this disorder is separated from other anxiety disorders and is one of several disorders that its prominent features Obsessive-compulsive recurring behaviors. Because of the diversity in the behavioral phenotypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the extraction of a psychological pattern of the disorder that explains its phenomenological characteristics is very difficult. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the mediating role of difficulties in emotion regulation strategies.
Methods: A total of 445 students (269 girls and 160 boys) from the universities of Sanandaj participated in this research. Participants were asked to complete the Persian version the 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the Anxiety Sensitivity Scale (ASI-R), the Distress Tolerance Questionnaire (DTS), Vancouver's obsessive-compulsive scale and the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). The reliability of the 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale was verified in a 67 samples in two weeks with a 4-week period of 0.80.87% for general and sub-scales. The psychometric properties of anxiety sensitivity, internal consistency and validity scale were verified. The reliability of the Iranian sample was reported to be 0.93 and 0.95, based on two methods of internal consistency and Test-Retest. In the questionnaire of distress tolerance. Based on the data, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this questionnaire was 0.67 and the reliability coefficient was 0.81 for the total scale and 0.81 for tolerance, absorption, evaluation and adjustment subscales respectively 0.71, 0.69, 0.77, and 0.73. Correlation coefficient of Vancouver's obsessive-compulsive scales with Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale was 0.59 and with Maudsley's obsessive-compulsory questionnaire was 0.81. The reliability of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Contamination was 0.85, the Obsessions 0.87, Hoarding 0.81, Just Right 76% and Indecisiveness 0.77 have been reported. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale has an internal consistency 0.93. Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 reported. SPSS18 and LaserL software were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of correlation test showed that Alexithymia with anxiety sensitivity (R=0.55, P=0.01), difficulties in emotion regulation strategies (R=0.64, p=0.001) and compulsive obsessive symptoms (R=0.70, p=0.001) had a meaningful and significant relationship with distress tolerance (R=0.55, p=0.001). Also, anxiety sensitivity with difficulties in emotion regulation strategies (R=0.66, p=0.001) and compulsive obsessive compulsive symptoms (R=0.62, p=0.001) had a significant direct correlation with distress tolerance (R=0.68, p=0.001) has a significant negative relationship. There was a significant negative correlation between distress tolerance and difficulties in emotion regulation strategies (R=0.59, p=0.001) and compulsive obsessive symptoms (R=0.55, p=0.001). On the other hand, difficulties in emotion regulation strategies with compulsive obsessive-compulsive symptoms (R=0.66, p=0.001) have a significant positive relationship. Path analysis showed that difficulties in emotion regulation strategies did not play a significant mediating role on the relationship between alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, we can conclude that the direct correlation between emotional regulation, alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with compulsive obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Mediating role on the difficulties in emotion regulation did not see in the relationship between alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with symptoms Obsessive-compulsive mediation. Based on the findings of the present research findings, in the theoretical level confirms the relationship between emotional regulation, alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with compulsive obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and adds to the results of previous research. At the practical level, the emotional relationship regulation, alexithymia, anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance with compulsive obsessive-compulsive symptoms, highlights the need to train the emotional self-regulation skills and increase emotional awareness in the general population as well as in the clinical community.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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