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1- science and arts university
Abstract:   (252 Views)
Background and purpose:  Deaf and hard of hearing children need more attention and care than other children in terms of health and mental health, and if these needs are not met, it will lead to many problems and challenges for the child and their parents In various areas of life, it causes negative effects on their performance (therefore, because parents play a very important role in raising their children, any disability, including hearing loss, can be challenging and problematic for them. One of the psychological characteristics of parents of hearing impaired children that can be affected by the conditions and problems related to these children is stress. Parental stress is a type of extreme anxiety and tension that depends on the role of the parent and parent-child interactions and has a great impact on parenting behavior and children's development. . Mindfulness-based parenting training is one of the psychological treatments that has recently been used to reduce emotional and mood problems of parents, improve parent-child relationships, and reduce children's behavioral problems. The term conscious parenting was first proposed by Kabat-Zinn as the conscious presence of parents in the present and non-judgmental and non-judgmental attention towards family, children and parenting methods, which leads to a deeper understanding of children and themselves. Mindfulness has been described as being present in the moment with everything that is now, without judgment and without commenting on what is happening, and in other words, experiencing pure reality without explanation.The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy on parental stress in mothers with hearing-impaired children.

Method: The present research method was semi-experimental and its design was pre-test-post-test with control group. The statistical population included mothers with hearing-impaired children in Yazd city in 1401-1400, and the sample consisted of 30 of those mothers who were selected by convenience sampling. Since the minimum sample size in semi-experimental research is 15 people in each group, this number was considered as the sample size. The inclusion criteria were being in the age range of 25 to 40 years, having a child with hearing impairment, the absence of severe psychiatric disorders at the same time, and not taking psychiatric drugs, and the exclusion criteria were not participating in more than two sessions and not completing the questionnaires. In order to comply with ethical considerations, the researchers closely supervised the implementation of the questionnaires, and ethical principles such as the right to participate in the research and the confidentiality of information were explained to them.

Results: The results of this research showed that mindfulness-based therapy had a significant effect on parental stress (p<0.05) and was able to reduce parental stress in these families.

Conclusion: According to the findings of this research and the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy on parenting stress in families with hearing-impaired children, the use of this treatment method is recommended to specialists in this field

Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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