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1- University of Tehran
Abstract:   (305 Views)
Background and purpose: According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is more than defined as the absence of disease, it is considered to achieve a balance between physical, mental and social well-being. Rape is a type of sexual harassment and violence that mainly includes sexual intercourse that takes place through the genitals and it happens against a woman's female body, which is one of the sexual conflicts that supports itself in the form of this phenomenon. It states in this way and it has caused many challenges in this field that this act can happen with physical, physical coercion, threats, abuse of responsibility or with a person who is incompetent or under legal age. Rape means having sexual intercourse with a person, by force and without his consent. Rape is not only a physical and sexual injury and attack, but it also causes deep mental and emotional damage. Considering that the psychological effects after sexual assault are very high and following sexual assault and entering the privacy of others, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, memory disorder and suicide occur, and since sexual assault It endangers people's mental health and leaves many psychological consequences. As a result, the current research was conducted with the aim of explaining the process, injuries and factors affecting sexual assault in women with a grand theory approach.
Methodology: The current research was conducted using a qualitative, groundedtheory method. In this research, the statistical population included girls and women who were victims of sexual assault between the ages of 15 and 20 who referred to the social emergency department of Isfahan Welfare Organization in 1401. The samples were selected by purposeful sampling, the sample volume reached saturation with 16 people, and a semi-structured interview was conducted to collect data. In qualitative research, information saturation is more important than the number of people studied, which means that the researcher should continue collecting information until the information he collects from the participants is repeated and new information is added to Do not add previously collected information, in other words, the collected data will reach theoretical saturation. Of course, it was tried to take into account the dispersion and difference between them in the selection of the sample, and the selected sample should have the maximum difference in culture, education, place of residence, financial status and family conditions. In total, 16 interviews were conducted in this research, and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. In order to analyze the conducted interviews and with the aim of increasing the accuracy and correctness of the analyses, each interview was typed separately, word by word, and the notes related to it were immediately written line by line in the first few hours. It should be noted that the duration of each interview was between 60 and 80 minutes according to the willingness of the participants to answer according to the topic. MAXQDA software was used to facilitate the coding and data analysis process.
Findings: The results of the interviews showed that individual factors, psychological factors and family factors (contextual factors) as causal conditions; interpersonal, personality and spiritual factors (revealing factors) as background conditions; social factors, cultural factors and environmental factors (sustaining factors); And emotional factors, lifestyle factors, sexual factors (aggravating factors) are effective as mediating and interventional conditions in sexual assault; In total, these factors will leave a person with physical and physical effects, mental and mood effects, cognitive effects, behavioral effects and create the background for the person to suffer from various disorders and lack of health in various dimensions and many problems, which in total In the current research, four selective codes, 12 core codes and 145 open codes were extracted.
Conclusion: Many factors play a role in the formation of sexual assault, and these factors will leave a person with physical and physical effects, mental and emotional effects, cognitive effects, and behavioral effects, and the person will suffer from various disorders and health problems in different dimensions. And it creates many problems, which can be identified in different environments, cultures and societies to create effective measures to reduce marital infidelity.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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