1- Islamic Azad University
2- Azad university
3- medical University Tehran
Abstract: (2550 Views)
Background and objective: In recent decades, cardiovascular disease has been the most common cause of death and the most important cause of disability worldwide, one of the most hidden types of which is coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a major cause of death and reduced quality of life in patients. This disease causes a decrease in physical strength, communication disorders, reduced job capacity and economic problems, all of which can increase the cost of treatment and reduce the quality of life in the individual. A review of studies shows that the lifestyle of patients with coronary artery disease can be influenced by personality traits. This study aims to model the structural equations of health-promoting lifestyle based on personality type D and mediated problem-solving styles. Self-care behaviors were performed in patients with coronary heart disease.
Methods: The present study was a descriptive-correlational model of structural equation modeling in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of this study consisted of all patients with coronary heart disease referred to Tehran Heart Center Hospital during July to October in 1397. Among this population, 370 people using Morgan table as a statistical sample of the study by Available were selected and answered the research questionnaires. All participants in the study met the criteria for this study (history of coronary heart disease, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, living in Tehran, having a minimum cycle education, ability to communicate verbally, no psychiatric illness requires medication and other physical illnesses (such as stroke, Parkinsonchr('39')s, and Alzheimerchr('39')s at the time of the study). Violation of more than 5 questions from a personchr('39')s questionnaire and receiving counseling and psychotherapy at the time of the study were the criteria for leaving the study. The instruments of this study included Health Promoting Lifestyle Questionnaire (Walker et al. 1977), Problem Solving Styles (Cassidy and Lang, 1996), Personality Type D (Padelson & Denollet, 1998), Self-Care (Rigel et al., 2004). In order to analyze the data, SPSS-V23 and Amos-22 software and structural model method were used at a significance level of 5%.
Results: The results showed that the indirect pathway coefficient of personality type D on health-promoting lifestyle with self-care mediating role (p <0.01, β = -0.125) was negative and significant, constructive problem solving on health-promoting lifestyle with role Constructive problem solving self-care mediation (p <0.01, β = 0.117) was positive and significant. But the indirect effect of non-constructive problem solving style on lifestyle was not significant (p = 0.079, β = 0.030). Examination of the goodness of fit index also showed the approval of the model.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, modeling structural equations of promotional lifestyle based on personality type D and solving constructive and non-constructive problems mediated by self-care in patients with coronary heart disease had a good fit. In other words, the findings of this study supported the mediating role of self-care behaviors in the relationship between personality type and problem-solving styles with lifestyle. The results of this study on the one hand can expand the knowledge of psychology in the field of factors affecting adaptation to chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease and its psychological explanations, and on the other hand, can help health psychologists in management, psychological interventions and treatment protocols. And reduce the mandatory costs for patients and physicians and the health care system.