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Jalali Z, Etebarian A, Shahtalebi B, Ebrahimzadeh R. Identifying the Factors of Women's Empowerment Factors with the Approach of Sustainable Political Development in Iran Using Thematic Analysis Method. MEJDS 2024; 14 :67-67
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-3431-en.html
1- PhD Student in Management (Application and Development), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2- Professor of the Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
4- Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (338 Views)

Background & Objectives: One of the issues raised in the field of development is human development and empowerment, especially concerning women. Empowering women as one of the critical factors in achieving development is among the priorities of researchers in the development field and has become one of the key topics in both development and economics. Women play an essential role in the victories and revolutions. Still, despite their abilities, their capabilities at the scientific, cultural, social, political, management, and decision–making levels have not been explored. The reality is that Iranian society lacks a fundamental, comprehensive view and pattern regarding the promotion of women's rights and political status in today's society. Formulating basic, comprehensive patterns of attitude and principles is necessary to create favorable political and social conditions and promote women's rights and political positions. Therefore, the research was conducted to identify factors empowering women with a sustainable political development approach in Iran.
Methods: Current research, from a paradigmatic perspective, is explanatory. The research was carried out qualitatively. The study was based on the data collection method, the research methodology used, and the analysis of the subjects, which was carried out based on the views of Ethereum Sterling and Brian Clarke in six steps. Participants were selected from topical (educational and experienced) reporters, academics, and women's sector activists in a targeted manner. The data collection continued through a semi–structured interview with 8 topical experts and 11 academics from the university until the theoretical saturation of the 19th interview. The interviews typically lasted between 40 and 120 minutes and consisted of eight general and subsequent questions. The holistic metric was used to calculate the quantitative data using the Guba and Lincoln method and to measure the finality of coding. In data analysis, based on the thematic analysis method, these steps were followed: a detailed study of the interview texts, extraction of basic codes, analysis of basic themes, drawing a network of themes, analysis of the network, and preparation of the final report extracted from the analysis.
Results: Based on the analysis method, we carried out a thorough study of the interview text, extracted the basic themes, analyzed and networked them, and finally reported them. The analysis of information resulted in the extraction of 144 basic codes, 35 subthemes, and 13 broad themes. So, the factors that empowered women in the approach to sustainable political development in Iran were identified. These extracted factors include empowerment through cultural reforms, empowerment through social reforms, empowerment through political reform, empowerment through business reforms and regulations, balance between maternal and social roles, female psychological empathy, the emergence of a balanced and coherent society, empowerment through education, economic empowerment, enhancement of women's social dignity, physical and spiritual empowerment of women, and empowerment based on religious teachings.
Conclusion: Results showed that formal and informal education reform is essential to empowering women. Furthermore, it is necessary to make religious teachings more equal for men and women and to balance cultural reforms and the political environment. The results of this research can be used as a basis for formulating effective development and policy plans for women's empowerment and play an essential role in evaluating the impact of public policies and programs on women's empowerment.

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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Social Sciences

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