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Emamy Meibody A, Banijamali S, Yazdi S M, Moazeni A, Shafiei M. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training on Improvement of Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Reactions in Individuals with Stuttering. MEJDS 2015; 5 :109-118
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-518-en.html
1- University of Alzahra
2- School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (22259 Views)

Objective: Stuttering is a disorder that affects a person emotionally and can cause functional disorders, depression, difficulty in communicating, and eventually the separation and isolation from social situations.This study aimed to determine the effect of teaching mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on improvement of cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions in people with stuttering.

Methods: The researcher has benefited from the single-subject design (ABA). The statistical society of the present study consists of people with stuttering disorder who referred to IranShahr speech-therapy clinic in Isfahan. Among those referred to the clinic, three patients were selected voluntarily. The case study method (MBSR), which consists of eight two-hour sessions held once a week for participants. The overall assessment of the speaker's experience of stuttering (OASES-A) questionnaire was the tool used in this study. Data analysis was performed using the charts and the determination of the size of effect was performed by intra-situational and inter-situational analyses.

Results: The results of intra-situational and inter-situational data analysis for three subjects indicated that the method of teaching mindfulness-based stress reduction was effective on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions of people with stuttering disorders. Also, the result of this study was continued for a period of one month.

Conclusion: The method of Teaching Mindfulness-based stress reduction improves cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions of people with stuttering disorders.

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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Rehabilitation

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