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Raes Alsadati S F, Nazarboland N, KhoshKonesh A. The Study of the Relation of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Differentiation with the Extent of Marital Adjustment. MEJDS 2016; 6 :28-35
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-705-en.html
1- University of Shahid Beheshti
Abstract:   (9800 Views)

Background and objective:

The effective factors on marital adjustment include personal traits, situational factors and life events. However, the studies conducted so far have shown that different cognitive media affect and direct the marital relations framework. As cognitive media, early maladaptive schemas, introduced by Young, originate from the individual's life events and differentiation as a personal trait seems to be a good predictive for marital adjustment. On this account, this study aims at predicting the marital adjustment in pre-marriage counseling sessions by studying the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and differentiation with marital adjustment.

Methodology: the research is a descriptive-analytic study with correlation plan. The population of the study included all married individuals in Tehran with an estimated sample of 400 people. Sampling was a multiphase and accessible method in a way that primarily 5 regions were randomly selected among 22 zones in Tehran following by a random selection of counseling clinics, schools and culture centers in this region. The questionnaire was then issued and handed to those qualified for the survey. The exclusion criterion from the survey was having remarriage/divorce history, drug abuse or being under psychosomatic treatments.

Spanier Marital adjustment questionnaire, Young's schema short form (third edition), differentiation of self inventory were the tools applied for this research. In order to analyze the data, correlation test, regression analysis and T-test were used.


 The findings of the study showed that there is a significant but inverse relationship between all early maladaptive schemas with marital adjustment (p<0.05), and among five principal areas, abandonment and instability (r= -0.72) and overvigilance (r=-0.61) showed the highest correlation with marital adjustment (p<0.001). From among early maladaptive schemas, shame and defect schemas had the highest (inverse) correlation with marital adjustment (r=- 0.72, p< 0.001).

In this research, the variable of differentiation of self was correlated with marital adjustment (r=0.54, p<0.001) and from among aspects of differentiation, aspect of "my status" showed a direct relationship with marital adjustment (r=0.39, p<0.001). Three elements of emotional reactionability (r=-0.45) emotional comingling (r= - 0.42) and emotional escape (r= -0.31) indicate the individual's differentiation which was proved to have a significant and negative relationship with marital adjustment in this study. From these elements, emotional reactionability showed the highest relevance with marital adjustment, a state in which the individual's feelings and emotions overcome his/her reason and wisdom and causes such persons to make decisions, in tense situations, simply based on emotional reactions.

In this research another relationship was also found between early maladaptive schemas and differentiation (p<0.001).  From among aspects of differentiation, aspect of "my status" was proved to have the highest correlation with the schema of mistrust (r=-0.45, p<0.001). Early maladaptive schemas and differentiation of self showed a high potentiality for the prediction of marital adjustment as the findings indicated that early maladaptive schemas and differentiation of self can predict up to 73 % marital adjustment.


This research was carried out to find out the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and differentiation of self in The Married with marital adjustment. The findings of the research indicate and prove the relationship between these two variables and marital adjustment. The findings showed that formation of early maladaptive schemas during childhood and its consequent personal and behavioral structure in adulthood, affect the individual's adjustment in marital life. In this regard, schemas of shame and defect were proved to have the highest predictability potential for marital maladjustments.  The inverse relation of three aspects of differentiation of self (except for "my status" aspect), with marital adjustment could mean that people with intimate and border free relations mingled with family members are more likely  to  fail in regulating and controlling  their communicational and even emotional borders which consequently results in experiencing maladjustments in relations with their partner. Thus, early maladaptive schemas and differentiation of self can be applied in the prediction of marital adjustment.

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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Counseling

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