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Razeghi N, Pour Houssin M, Babaie E, Entezari S. Evaluating relation between sexual satisfaction with marital conflicts in women. MEJDS 2020; 10 :60-60
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-1106-en.html
1- Department of Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran
2- Mazandaran Legal Medicine Organization
3- Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University
4- MSc in Clinical Psychology
Abstract:   (3233 Views)
Background & Objective: Studies on the relationship between the spouses show that over the last few years, there has been a lot of changes in this area that has been able to affect the functions, duties, and lifestyle of family members from the past. These changes also have marital problems with challenges and conflicts. The collapse of couples' relationships is the most common manifestation of extreme conflict. Evidence suggests that about half of today's marriages lead to divorce. After divorce, 65% of women and 70% of men are likely to re–marry, and about 50% of those who are married for the second time is divorced again. In this regard, communication problems are one of the most common issues between them. One of the key factors in assessing a person's quality of life in general and quality and continuity of marital relationship, in particular, is sexual satisfaction, which is associated with marital quality structures. Satisfaction in marital life depends on several factors; one of these factors is sexual relations that can be among the most critical factors. If the sexual relationship between couples cannot be maintained desirably, it can lead to feelings of deprivation, failure, and marital conflict. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between sexual satisfactions with marital conflicts in women referring to the Mazandaran forensic medicine center in Sari city due to Domestic violence during the last six months of 2016 –2017.
Methods: In a descriptive cross–sectional study, sampling in this study was carried out using non–random sampling method (available). This type of sampling involves collecting information from members of the community that these members are easily available to provide information. Using this method, women referring to the legal center of Mazandaran province of Sari center (North of Iran) for the first time due to domestic violence were selected by the researcher at each visit from the legal medicine organization, and this was done until the required number obtained. A total of 132 women who were referred to the forensic medicine organization were examined. Data collection tools were sexual satisfaction and marital conflicts questionnaires and data analysis was performed using SPSS 20 using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: There was a significant negative relationship between marital conflicts and sexual satisfaction (r=–0.322, ‏p˂‏0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, which showed that sexual satisfaction has a significant negative relationship with marital conflicts, it is necessary to pay attention to having sexual satisfaction in marital relations in medical interventions and family education.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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