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Assistance Professor, Bandagaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandagaz, Iran
Abstract:   (703 Views)
Background and Aim: In the process of globalization, where English language is widely used as a tool of international communication, teaching and learning a foreign language, especially English as one of the most pervasive and common languages in the world has attracted much attention. But with all the effort and resources that are given to educational organizations each year to teach the language, many language learners have difficulty learning the language despite succeeding in various courses. Language anxiety is one of the most important variables in the language learning process and encompasses a complex concept of feelings, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors related to language learning. Students' performance and learning anxiety experienced in a particular subject such as English can be influenced by various cognitive and emotional factors and recognizing the factors affecting language learning anxiety can be effective in reducing disability against this anxiety and help increase academic performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between epistemological beliefs and English language anxiety mediated by emotional creativity in bilingual students.
Method: The research method was correlational using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of this study consisted of all Turkmen bilingual female students studying in secondary school. In this study, to determine the sample size according to the number of observed variables and a coefficient of 25 to each variables and including incomplete questionnaires, 225 students were selected as the sample size, and responded to Averill’s emotional creativity scale (1999), Horwitz’s et al English language anxiety (1986), and short form of Schommer’s epistemological beliefs inventory (1990). In this study, a conceptual model was investigated the effect of epistemological beliefs and emotional creativity on English language anxiety in direct and indirect paths. The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient test, maximum likelihood method, Bootstrap method and using SPSS 24 and 23 Amos software.
Results: The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of epistemological beliefs and emotional creativity with English language anxiety. There was a significant and inverse relationship between subscales of emotional creativity and English language anxiety, and a direct and significant relationship between the subscales of epistemological beliefs and English language anxiety in the subjects (p =0.001). The results also showed that epistemological beliefs had a direct effect on English language anxiety (B =0.350, p =0.001) and emotional creativity had an adverse effect on English anxiety (B = -0.169, p=0.009). The amount of chi-square to the degree of freedom (2.647) and GFI, CFI and NFI index were greater than 0.9 that showed the research model was a suitable model. In structural relationships, in addition to direct effects, epistemological beliefs can be indirectly (B=0.224) affect English language anxiety through emotional creativity (p =0.001). The values ​​of the standardized effect obtained from the indirect path of epistemological beliefs mediated by emotional creativity on English language anxiety. Also, Bootstrap estimation method is not rejected (p =0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that there is a direct and indirect causal relationship between the variables of epistemological beliefs and emotional creativity with English language anxiety. The mediating role of emotional creativity in the relationship between epistemological beliefs and English language anxiety was not rejected.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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