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Jahan F, Noghabi R. The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Moral Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Wisdom in the Elderly. MEJDS 2019; 9 :17-17
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-1047-en.html
1- Psychology, Semnan branch, Islamic Azad University
2- Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan
Abstract:   (2790 Views)
Objectives: Elderly is a sensitive period in human life. Attention to needs of this stage is a social necessity. The presence of mind and consciousness in the instant can be a way to achieve recognition, affection and a stronger wisdom is in years of aging. According to the view of most researchers, it is a summation of the person's life and if person be stronger in structures such as wisdom, moral intelligence and spiritual intelligence, it will have a better performance in terms of life. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mindfulness education on ethical intelligence, spiritual intelligence and elderly wisdom.
Methods: This experimental study was a pre–test and post–test type with control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all elderly members of the old age centers of Tehran. Sampling was done in two steps, in the first stage, aged population were selected from 23 districts of Tehran. The local areas of 1, 14 and 19 were considered and according to the number of elderly of each district (amount of elderly people were weighed in each district). Subjects were randomly systematic and based on entry conditions, which included age 65 years and older, no history of physical and psychological illness and marriage among the members of the districts. To do the research, written consent were recorded from elderly club. The research Instruments included the questionnaire of ethical intelligence of Link and Kiel, King's spiritual intelligence questionnaire, and the three–dimensional questionnaire of Ardlet's micro. Experimental intervention (mindfulness training) was performed only for the experimental group, during eight 90–minute sessions and the intervention group did not attend in them. The obtained data are analyzed using mean, standard deviation and independent T–test analyses.
Results: There were not significant differences between the two groups in the pre–test scores. Therefore, it is not necessary to control the pre–test values. Independent T–test for comparing the post–test scores of the two groups test and evidence were used. Findings showed that the mean post–test scores of the two test groups were significantly different in the mentioned components, it meaning that the experimental group received training, namely, mindfulness training, in all four components of the spiritual intelligence variable. It had a desirable and significant increase in the two components of the moral intelligence variable, as well as the experimental group receiving mindfulness training in all three components of the variable wisdom have shown significant improvement and improvement (p<0.01). The findings showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups of the experimental and control groups in the two components of the moral intelligence variable meaning that the experimental group did not upgrade and increase the score with the knowledge of mind education in these two variables.
Conclusion: Mindfulness by focusing on individual concentration and non–judgmental acceptance of what is happening can be seen in contrast to situations like mental employment with memories of program imagination or anxiety and automatic behavior in which attention to the other thing is focused. Given that the mind of consciousness as a lifestyle, consistent with the natural nature of man, is capable of influencing the emotional system of individuals, raw feelings and impulses of their actions, transforming the view into transformational life and improve the quality of communication with oneself, others and the world, or compassionate and realistic acceptance in order to increase satisfaction. Being educated at the elderly and retirement homes after old age, the program could be seen in contrast to situations like mental employment with memories of program imagination or anxiety and automatic behavior in which attention is focused on something else centralized.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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