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Qana P, Moradi A. Compare Attachment Styles, Alexithymia and Aggressive Behaviors Delinquents and Normal Adolescent. MEJDS 2020; 10 :4-4
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-1073-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch
2- Shiraz University
Abstract:   (2468 Views)
Background & Objective: Today one of the most complex and unpleasant issues that has attracted the attention of many psychologists, sociologists and criminologists is the issue of juvenile delinquents. Delinquency is a complex social phenomenon that can be seen in different ways in different social environments. The issue of delinquency has long been considered by intellectuals in human society and is now the subject of many studies. Groups of people who are most involved in this dilemma are children and adolescents. Adolescence is a time of high–risk behaviors and increased exploration. This evolutionary cycle is known to increase the risk of drug initiation and the growth of addiction. Increasing crime and juvenile delinquency has recently attracted more attention to the aesthetics of this problem. Because juvenile delinquency can be the cause of future adult crimes, and this is costly for the family and society, therefor government have to think as much as possible to eliminate crime and crime situations. The purpose of this study was to compare attachment styles, alexithymia and aggressive behaviors delinquents and normal adolescent.
Methods: This descriptive study was a causal–comparative study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all teenage males of Shiraz prison and rehabilitation center in Shiraz (Fars province, south of Iran). The sample consisted of 84 people (42 delinquent adolescents and 42 normal adolescents) who were selected randomly by juvenile delinquents and normal adolescents were matched in order to compare with the juvenile offenders. To collect the data, the attachment styles questionnaire (1990), the thoracic mood scale (1986), Toronto questionnaire and aggression questionnaire (1996) were used. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with SPSS 21 and probability values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results: The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that in safe attachment style, mean and standard deviation of normal adolescents was 19.55±3.595, and mean and standard deviation of delinquent adolescents was 13.952±2.784. There was a significant difference between adolescent and offender adolescents (p<0.001). In the avoidance attachment variable, mean and standard deviation of normal adolescents was 9.259±1/713, and mean and standard deviation of delinquent adolescents was 119.93±1.163. Anxiety mean and standard deviation of normal adolescents was 9.616±2.82, and mean and standard deviation of delinquent adolescents was 13.13±3.32, there were significantly different between normal and juvenile adolescents. In addition, in mood swings mean and standard deviation of normal adolescents was 54.214±13.39. The mean and standard deviation of delinquent adolescents was 646.66±14.43 (p<0.001) and aggression mean and standard deviation in normal adolescents were 61.142±14.916, 61.22±9.164, and the mean and standard deviation of delinquent adolescents was 773.53±15.47. There were significantly different between the two groups (p<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that when the situation of the family environment is disorderly and there is no close relationship between the parents and the child, this leads to the formation of an insecure attachment style; the excitement of the individual affects later life stages. Therefore, in identifying, describing their emotions and expressing them, they are in difficulty, therefore, in a stressful situation, they have low adaptability and may resort to aggressive behaviors, which are directly linked to their criminal misconduct.
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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Rehabilitation

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