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1- Azad university of Sari Branch
2- Azad university of Bandar Gaz Branch
Abstract:   (2894 Views)
Background & Objective: The quality of life is the perception of individuals from their position of life based on their culture and value system. All people at all stages of their lives are looking to have a good life. Positive psychology has succeeded to increase the positive attitude of individuals by identifying, detecting and controlling the negative thoughts of the people's minds and guiding these thoughts to better thinking. Quality of life is related to social health because social health together with physical and mental health is one of the constituent elements of health and represents an individual's assessment of social life. Also, justice as one of the most important concepts of different fields of science is the concern of divine religions and the way of salvation of humanity is of interest to most schools and human societies. In the context of the role of justice in social health and quality of life, studies that can explain psychological justice is not yet invented. And so far, no measure of justice has been designed. Hence, efforts to create a native and appropriate tool for measuring the virtue of justice from the perspective of Islam are necessary. The purpose of this study was to development, validate and reliability the psychological virtue scale of justice according to the views of Islamic scholar and determine its role in social health and quality of life.​
Methods: This study was a tool psychometric study. The population of the study were students of Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch. The 384 were selected randomly from among them. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the viewpoint of the Islamic scholars, the Keys social health questionnaire (1998), and the World Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (1996). In the design of justice virtue questionnaire, in the beginning, while studying the sources of Islamic philosophy and reviewing and matching the documents with the concepts of justice, 45 questions were designed. The questionnaire was examined for determining the content validity of the survey based on the view of 10 experts and connoisseur. CVI and CVR indices were calculated that dropped from 45 questions to 35 questions. In order to determine the reliability of the tool, a sample of 50 individuals was obtained from the statistical community. In the following, according to the research goal among 384 people, three tools of the virtue of justice of 35 questions, 26 questions of quality of life, and 33 questions of social health were distributed. In order to investigate the construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was used and for correlation analysis, correlation  were used. And for analyzing the software, spss22 have been used.
Results: The results showed that in the study of the formal validity of the contents of the Psychological Virtues of Justice Questionnaire based on the ten experts' viewpoint, 10 questions with CVI index values below 0.72 and CVR less than 0.62 were eliminated, which resulted in the modification of the questionnaire to 35 questions. Regarding the reliability of the expression, based on a sample of 50 from the statistical population, the execution stage of the questionnaires was performed on a sample of 384 people. The results of exploratory analysis with varimax conversion with special values above 1 were accompanied by the removal of 6 questions with factor load less than 0.4, and 5 components were extracted. The 5 components of extraction explain 60.35% of the variance of justice. So that the relationship of justice with quality of life is 0.754 and social health is % 85.5. Also, a finding of repeatedly linear regression analysis showed that there is a significant linear composition between dimensions of justice with quality of life and social well-being.
Conclusion: Promoting the level of justice has led to an increase in the level of social health and quality of life. Therefore, in view of the increasing role of justice dimensions in social health and quality of life, it is possible to improve the conditions for the promotion of moral justice by providing better living conditions for students.

Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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