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Ethics code: IR.HUMS.REC.1398.330

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1- Director of Cognitive Rehabilition Group,,Department of rehabilitation, Research Institute of Cognitive Science,Tehran,Iran
2- Department of Addiction, School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health (Tehran Institute of Psychiatry), Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (809 Views)
Background & Objective: AIDS is one of the main risk factors for health and affects all aspects of a personchr('39')s life. AIDS lowers self-esteem and increases feelings of vulnerability, physical symptoms, and disturbing thoughts. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the contribution of community-based adjustment approaches in positive prevention based on the perceived deterioration mediated by coping strategies in HIV-positive patients. Most previous studies focused on psychological interventions, using different approaches, in HIV-positive patients and no previous study has modeled a community-based approach. A community-based model focuses on changing individual’s behaviors to reduce the risk factors in a community. The community-based model in this study sought to change the behaviors of the intervention group, as part of the HIV infected population, and to use the results of the study to a larger community of patients. To this end, recognizing the barriers to disease acceptance, as an effective factor in reaching for treatment, on the one hand, and a lack of knowledge on cultural and health system barriers in Iran, on the other, lead us to determine the predictive share of the community-based model of coping strategies for positive prevention based on perceived deterioration mediated in HIV-positive patients.
Methods: This was an applied and correlational study. The study population included all HIV-positive patients in Tehran between March 2019 and March -2020. Of the mentioned population, 250 individuals who referred to positive clubs under the supervision of the Welfare Organization were selected by available sampling. Following questionnaires were applied for data collection: 1) The Coping Styles Questionnaire (Lazarus and Folkman, 1980), the validity of which was tested in a sample of 751 middle-aged couples; 2) Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Questionnaire (Derogatis and Derogatis, 1990), satisfactory reliability of which was reported in the study by Samadzade et al., using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha for each of the subscales of the questionnaire; 3) The 9-item Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (Broadbent, Petrie, Main, and Weinman, 2006), psychometric properties of which were studied by Heshmati et al. (1392) in heart patients and Cronbachchr('39')s alpha was reported to be 0.68. The evaluation of the proposed model was performed by structural equation modeling method. To test indirect relationships, bootstrap method (AMOS-21 software) was used. In all the tests, the significance level was set to p < 0.05.
Results: Descriptive findings showed that participants’ mean and standard deviation of age was 37.9±5.48. The highest level of education was high school (77 people, 30.8%) and the lowest was university education (16 people, 6.4%). The highest marital status was divorced (89 people, 35.6%) and the lowest was single (28 people, 11.2%).
Evaluation of direct pathways of perceived deterioration on psychosocial adjustment (β = 0.346, P = 0.001), and coping strategies on psychosocial adjustment (β = 0.287, P = 0.001) in HIV-positive patients indicated a direct effect. Indirect estimation of the model using bootstrap method and according to the standardized values (β) confirmed the indirect path of perceived deterioration on psychosocial adjustment mediated by coping strategies in HIV-positive patients.
The aim of this study was to investigate the intervention model of community-based coping strategies based on perceived deterioration mediated by coping strategies in people with AIDS. According to the findings, perceived deterioration had a direct effect on psychosocial adjustment in HIV-positive patients. Also, coping strategies had a direct effect on psychosocial adjustment. People with perceived deterioration of their illness were less compatible to cope with their illness. Therefore, patients with a positive attitude toward their disease perceived and analyzed the signs, symptoms, and other dimensions of the disease more correctly and realistically.
Conclusion: This study showed that perceived deterioration predicts psychosocial coping strategies in HIV-positive patients. Furthermore, we showed the mediating role of various factors in the prediction of coping strategies.
Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Psychology

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