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Akhavan Tafti M, Zolfagharian F. Design and Experimentation of Wordmaginating Method for Teaching the Children with Learning Disabilities. MEJDS 2015; 5 :39-48
URL: http://jdisabilstud.org/article-1-465-en.html
1- Alzahra university
Abstract:   (21154 Views)

Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of the wordmaginating teaching method in reducing learning problems and improvement of reading and writing skills of students.

Materials & Methods: 20 children with learning disabilities LD (boys & girls) were trained in this research. They were selected randomly from clients of a LD center. Nine of these students were trained using traditional learning methods and eleven students were trained in the way of improved wordmaginating method. To assess students' learning conditions and characteristics, three sets of researcher-made reading and writing tests were used before and after the training course. Also, for follow-up, after six months of completion of the training course, the tests were applied.

Results: Comparison of the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up of two groups in reading and writing skills (post-test P<0.0001), (P<0.05), revealed significantly superior performance of the students who had worked with wordmaginating process.

Conclusion: Wordmaginating teaching method not only improved the performances of reading and writing of the tested group significantly, but also the persistence of educational achievements after a few months, was confirmed.

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Type of Study: Original Research Article | Subject: Social Sciences

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